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Theatre Arts



The EPMS Theatre Arts program has enjoyed exciting times since its beginning during the 2015-16 school year. The 7th and 8th grade Theatre Arts students learn to present themselves professionally, work through nervousness, use beginning acting skills for class presentations, interviews, and extracurricular involvements, as well as, build upon their confidence and positive self-esteem. Over fifty Pinkerton students are involved in producing our annual fall shows and collaboratively make the productions creative, successful learning experiences for all involved. Keeping in alignment with our 7 - 12 Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) vision, our combined COHS/EPMS Wolfpack Performing Arts program produces full-length productions of musicals in the spring on the COHS PAC stage. We VAPA teachers are proud of our EPMS Theatre Arts program, our 7 - 12 Wolfpack Visual and Performing Arts endeavors, and look forward to even more positive growth throughout the years to come. Go Wolfpack VAPA!
Success Tips

Success Tips

1.) Improve eye contact.
2.) Utilize positive self-talk.
3.) Work through nervousness.
4.) Maintain a yes and ..." attitude.
5.) Use your professional introduction techniques.
6.) Develop "Out-of-the-Box" thinking.
7.) Practice positive team work.
8.) Be aware of your body language.
9.) Use your entire instrument.