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Theatre Arts



The EPMS Theatre Arts program has enjoyed exciting times since its beginning during the 2015-16 school year. The 7th and 8th grade Theatre Arts students learn valuable skills that they’ll use throughout their academic and personal lives. Through theatre, students will learn how to present themselves professionally, including how to work through nervousness for presentations, interviews, and extracurricular involvements. They will also hone collaboration skills through drama activities and enhance their literacy through script analysis. Ultimately, Theatre Arts courses empower students to build upon their confidence and positive self-esteem.
Pinkerton students have several performance opportunities throughout the year, covering content from improv to Shakespeare! Keeping in alignment with our 7 - 12 Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) vision, our combined COHS/EPMS Wolfpack Performing Arts program produces full-length productions of musicals in the spring on the COHS PAC stage. We VAPA teachers are proud of our EPMS Theatre Arts program, our 7 - 12 Wolfpack Visual and Performing Arts endeavors, and look forward to even more positive growth throughout the years to come. Go Wolfpack VAPA!