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🔸 General Information

🔸 General Information

Girls VB (Fall)

Head Coach: Michael Lopez

Fall Season:

  • The Fall Girls volleyball program usually offers a 7th and 8th grade teams.
  • The first week of practice is usually dedicated to tryouts.
  • Admission to matches is $4 for Adults, $2 for Students with I.D., and $2 for Seniors.
  • 7th and 8th Grade teams travel/play same days same locations.
  • First game start time is 4:30pm. Second game start time immediately follows the first game.     
  • The 7th and 8th grade teams are expected to be there for both matches.
  • Home Games: One grade level team will officiate and manage the other team's game. 
  • Away Games: Both teams will stay and support both matches as well as help with warm ups.

Boys VB (Spring)

Head Coach: Avery Booker

Spring Season:

  • The Spring Boys volleyball program usually offers a 7th and 8th grade teams.
  • The first week of practice is usually dedicated to tryouts.
  • Admission to matches is $4 for Adults, $2 for Students with I.D., and $2 for Seniors.
  • 7th and 8th Grade teams travel/play same days same locations.
  • First game start time is 4:00p. Second game start time immediately follows the first game.   
  • The 7th and 8th grade teams are expected to be there for both matches.
  • Home Games: One grade level team will officiate and manage the other team's game. 
  • Away Games: Both teams will stay and support both matches as well as help with warm ups.

EPMS Athletics Calendar

EPMS Athletics Calendar

  • EPMS Athletics